Do We Deserve to Receive a Dividend for our Investment?
By Eric M. Deadwiley
I agree that President Obama cannot solve all the woes of black people! We must do a better job of avoiding behaviors which are detrimental to our growth – both spiritually and mentally in this society. We must stop participating in our own demise. Ask yourself these question's, why do you patronize businesses which historically does not employ black people? How many black people have you seen cooking that fried rice in your local Chinese restaurant? Why do you own a cell phone and home phone if you are unemployed and only need one phone? Why do you allow your son to walk around with his pants hanging down? And even better, why would you allow your daughter to bring a young man home wearing his pants like that? President Obama cannot help us with that! I recently wrote an article about a local supermarket chain in my community that did not hire any blacks. Yet, scores of black people patronize these supermarkets, even though their young son’s or daughter’s could not even get an “After-school job” with them. People disrespect us because we allow them to do so! President Obama is disrespecting us because we are allowing him to do so. President Obama is a very intelligent – albeit crafty politician. That’s what I think people tend to forget about him. President Obama is a "politician!" And politicians do what is in "Their" political interest. Let’s face the facts as they are. President Obama is afraid to anger white people by even mentioning black people in any kind of magnanimous way. However, we voted for President Obama in “Record” numbers!
We deserve to receive a dividend for our investment! No other people would “Blindly” support a person simply because that person is the first of their kind to hold office. White people would throw another white person under the bus if that person ignored their issues. Wake-up black America, your dreaming again! The Honorable Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Jr., is gone. El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) is gone. All of the strong black men and woman who were uncompromising figures of the civil rights era are gone! We have nothing but a bunch of opportunist as leaders now. Our black men in leadership today are nothing like the men who preceded them. Maybe it will be the Black woman that will have to stand up for our people, because black men have shown them-selves to be “Soft-shoed” weenies! We need to grow to be politically mature and stop lifting-up and embracing “Soft-shoe” Negro’s who betray our trust. Remember why you, I and every other black person of conscience supported President (then candidate) Obama in the first place. We thought that if we put him in office, he would CHANGE things for not just black people, but for ALL people. Professor West is right. President Obama has given blacks the “Cold shoulder” long enough! I wouldn’t care if Sarah Palin won the 2012 presidential election. If President Obama does not attend to our issues soon, many black children will die – and countless black families will be homeless and destroyed. I care more about the black condition than I do “ONE” black President. This is the truth Professor West, Tavis Smiley and Professor Eric Dyson is trying to relay to us all. This is also a Deadwiley Truth.
Eric M. Deadwiley is a Freelance Op-Ed Columnist, Ghost-writer and Author of "Civil Death in New York State, How New York State Utilizes Criminal Conviction Records to impede the Economic Growth of Formerly Convicted People”
Contact: Eric M. Deadwiley
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