Eric M. Deadwiley
Already we have lost 14 states in this union to the most
corrupt group of citizens I’ve ever known. They make up the heart and the
thinking in the minds of those who would belong to the Ku Klux Klan. They are
white supremacists. They are men of evil. They have names,” “They are flooding
our country with money. They’ve come into to New York City — they are beginning
to buy their way in to city politics. They are pouring money into Presbyterian
Hospital to take over the medical care system.”
“The Koch brothers, that’s their name,”
Criticism has also been directed towards Bill
De Blasio for not condemning the statements when he took to the podium “after”
Mr. Belafonte made his statements. Mr. De Blasio eventually (in Radio and TV
interviews) disagreed with Mr. Belafonte’s opinion, although not repudiating
Mr. Belafonte. In a strange twist of logic, I suppose Mr. De Blasio and Mr.
Belafonte were correct in their comments. No one can say for sure that the Koch
brothers are Ku Klux Klan members. Only the Koch brothers and the Klan would
know that. After all, the KKK are a “secret organization” steeped in “secret” fraternal
rituals and observances. They run their
organization under a cloud of secrecy and loyalty, just like all ruthless
bandits, crooks and lowlifes do. According to the Southern
Poverty Law Center (SPLC) “The
number of Patriot groups, including armed militias, has grown 813 percent since
Obama was elected – from 149 in 2008 to 1,360 in 2012.” These white
supremacist groups do not exist in a vacuum. Nor does the fraternal order of
the KKK exist solely from southern bigots and back woods poverty stricken
country boys.
Today, the “racial bigots”
most likely work right next to you on your job and smiles in your face every
day and “never” uses the “N” word in public. This may be a shocker to some
people, but the racial bigots are not all White or poor. Mr. Belafonte knows
this fact all too well. At age 87, Mr. Belafonte understands real “racism.” Not
the racism that most people categorize as a simple dislike or hatred of a group
or ethnicity. Dr. Claude Anderson believes that Racism is a “competitive” relationship
between groups of people. According to Dr. Claude Anderson, "racism exists
only when one group holds a disproportionate share of wealth and power over
another group then uses those resources to marginalize, exploit, exclude and
subordinate the weaker group." The Koch brothers have in the past and
continue to fund and back some of the most ultra-conservative extremist
factions of the Republican and Tea party. My mother has a saying that she often
uses which is “you are judged by your peers.” This is simply to say that people
could draw an opinion on your thoughts and beliefs by evaluating the thoughts
and beliefs of the people you befriend, associate with or support.
Being billionaires,
does not exclude the Koch brothers from
being bigoted or being members of organizations like the KKK. Historically,
Klan members came from every walk of life. There were Klan members who worked
in law enforcement, Federal, State, City and local government. Klan members
held political office on every level. Though we can’t say definitively that the
Koch brothers are members of the KKK, we can say with all truth that the Koch
brothers support people who hold racist and bigoted views, which gives us a
good clue on their personal social views. “There’s a reason why Nuns don’t hang
out with Prostitutes.” When our parents
told us to stay away from those kids hanging out on the corner, it was because
our mothers understood the theory of “guilt by association.” This is a truth
that we all know very well. This is also a Deadwiley Truth.
M. Deadwiley is a Freelance Op-Ed Columnist, Investigative Reporter and Author
Contact: Eric
M. Deadwiley
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